It has been several very busy months since I last posted to our blog, so I thought I would just give a quick update to let folks know what we have been up to.
Since leaving Cadiz and travelling back to the River Guadiana we have had our friends Richard and Viv out for a visit and a great time was had. We look forward to seeing them out here perhaps aboard Sea Change in 2013.
Christmas and the New Year were a very hectic time on the river with lots of parties (working and otherwise) and we had to escape down to Pomerao for a quick breather before heading back to Alcoutim to start all over again.
I (Tina) have returned to England for 3 weeks to visit Family and left Geoff aboard S'ours at anchor. From his telephone call it sounds like he is having fun - attended a Jazz festival amongst other things so I don't feel guilty leaving him on his own.
Now I have a new IPad (thank you Graeme) I will try to keep you all updated more often and also to add some photos next time